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Kiwanis Service

Lyme Foundation Gala is April 27

A 25th anniversary Jubilee Gala benefiting the Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation will take place on April 27 at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury.

The event will honor Distinguished Past Gov. John Gridley and former first lady Rosemary. International President Lee Kuan Yong and International President-Elect Michael Mulhaul will be attending the event.

The event will feature: 2 live bands, a cocktail hour with assortment of food, open bar all day with two signature drinks, and a sit down dinner.

Every guest will receive a favor as a thank you for your support. There also will be a surprise door prize.

There are many ways to support the event: purchase a journal ad, donate a basket for the raffle, or be a sponsor. Tickets are $125 per person if you RSVP by March 1; they will be $135 after that date.

See the event flyer for details including how to become a sponsor and a ticket order form.

Scholarship Applications Sought

The New York District Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship is designed to assist high school seniors who have demonstrated outstanding community service, leadership, academic achievement, and financial need. This one-time scholarship can be used for college-related expenses, including tuition, room and board, and books.

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Conditions of Eligibility:

Please use the application form found at: https://www.jotform.com/form/243493627770162.

The scholarship is a one-time award. The Scholarship Selection Committee will carefully review all nominations, and the successful applicants will be announced in May 2025. If you have a deserving student in your community who meets the scholarship criteria, we encourage you to submit a nomination to your Club President.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the nomination process, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at: NYDFScholarships@kampkiwanis.org

Club Coaches Ready to Help

Could your club benefit from working with a Club Coach?

District representatives are available to assist clubs. Club coaches have experience you can trust to support clubs as they ask questions and work through processes designed to make themselves even stronger. They are mentors, coaches and visionaries.

You can to request a consultation with a Club Coach.


New Members For 2024-25

During the 2024-25 Kiwanis year, 345 new members were inducted by Kiwanis clubs in the New York District.

You can see who they are and what clubs and divisions they joined.

Milestone Club Anniversaries This Month
ClubOrganization DateYears
Glens FallsMarch 26, 1925100
Conklin March 1, 1950 75
New Scotland March 23, 1950 75
Helderbergs (The) March 21, 1960 65
Liberty March 18, 1980 45
Livonia March 16, 1990 35
East Greenbush March 30, 2010 15
New York District of Kiwanis International
PO Box 428
Glen Cove, NY 11542
klogo Phone: (516) 671-1786
E-mail: districtoffice@kiwanis-ny.org