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2022 Kiwanis International Convention

Elections and action on 12 proposed amendments took place on June 11 at the convention in Indianapolis. There were 1,138 delegates present representing 588 clubs.

Election Results:

Lee Kuan Wong celebrates with his wife following his election as vice president for the coming year.

Bylaw Amendments:

Details on these proposals can be found on the Kiwanis International web site.

Amendment 1: Protection of Kiwanis Brands and Marks

Bylaw change to increase Kiwanis' ability to prevent its brand and logo from being used inappropriately. Approved by 96 percent.

Amendment 2: Designation of Kiwanis International Officers

Removes International trustees and district governors from the list of "officers" to reduce liability.

Approved by 86 percent.

Amendment 3: New Member Add Fee

Eliminated difference in language between new members of existing clubs, and members of new clubs.

Approved by 94 percent.

Amendment 4: Club Status to Propose Amendments and Resolutions

Added a requirement that a club must be in good standing to propose a Kiwanis International bylaw amendment or resolution.

Approved by 99 percent.

Amendment 5: Emergency Conditions Adjustments

Improved language to give the International Board more flexibility in dealing with such situations as a pandemic.

Approved by 89 percent.

Amendment 6: Remote Voting for Kiwanis International Business

The change would have eliminated voting at conventions. Instead voting would be conducted online following the convention. This type of action has been considered and defeated in the past, but this time it was with the support rather than the opposition of the International Board.

Two-thirds approval was required. After a lengthy debate, it failed with 54 percent in favor.

Amendment 7: Voting Process to Elect Kiwanis International Vice President

Provision will establish a new process for resolving tie votes.

Approved with 89 percent in favor.

Amendment 8: Basic Structure Governing Comprehensive Bylaws Revisions

Clears the way for entirely new bylaws to be considered at the 2023 convention. The new re-write is designed to resolve conflicting wording and obsolete provisions.

Approved with 88 percent in favor.

Amendment 9: Lieutenant Governor Election Criteria

This provision will allow a Kiwanian from outside a division to serve as lieutenant governor if no member from the division agrees to serve.

Approved by 80 percent.

Amendment 10: Prohibition on Purchase of Alcohol

Would have prohibited the use of Kiwanis International funds, regardless of their source, for the purchase of alcohol.

Defeated with 32 percent in favor.

Amendment 11: Prohibition of Purchase of Airfare

Would have prohibited purchase of first class or business class airfare by Kiwanis officials when traveling.

Defeated with 44 percent in favor.

Amendment 12: Family Membership Status

This is the third time a proposal for family membership has been considered. The provision would have allowed individuals living in the same household as a member to join and pay only 50 perccent of the dues. Proponents argued that it would increase membership, while opponents, including the International Board, said the change would more likely cause a loss in income as a result of existing members switching to family status.

Two-thirds approval was required, but it was defeated with 49 percent in favor.

small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.