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Kiwanis Service

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center

By DPG Joseph Corace

Well we have now come full circle with our KPTC North Shore Programs "SAVING CHILDREN'S LIVES ... in our COMMUNITY"

Our proven safety program now has our Circle K College students and Key Club High School students going into schools, health fairs, libraries and any place where we can gather children and show them how they can prevent accidents from happening and what to do if they do happen.

Bike Safety-Fire Safety-Water Safety-911 Calling, are some of what is covered.

If a child is in an accident we make sure that the first responders have the necessary equipment in the size needed to help save and prepare the child for hospital care with the Friends Pediatric Kit program.

At the Trauma Center the staff is prepared to give the child the care he or she requires by trained professionals.

If the choice is made, because of logistics, and another hospital is chosen, chances are the staff there has been trained in one of our Trauma Programs at Our KPTC Center.

We must thank the entire Kiwanis Family for their support:

K KIDS that are so receptive and understanding of what this program is about and raise funds for it.

BUILDERS CLUBS that do the same in fund raising and also some times help with the Safety Programs.

KEY CLUB for taking the time to be part of a new project while continuing to fundraise as they have always done.

CIRCLE K for giving us their outstanding support to get this new safety program started.

KIWANIS CLUBS that have been fund raising and helping this program for over 20 years.

THE CHAMPS, Kiwanis members that have joined together to do fund raising.

THE JOEY FOUNDATION that has focused their fund raising for the Safety Programs.

What better way to promote our Kiwanis organization in the communities that we live in.

On behalf of the KPTC Board I thank you for your support of a program you have help make what it is today.

Please give us an invite to your Kiwanis Club Meeting to say "THANK YOU" to your club members and let then know what they are a part of. It will be an uplifting experience to each and every member. Also, invite people in your community that you would like to learn about us.

The Friends Auction is May 16, 2012 at the Cedar Brook Country Club. For details please call Joe Corace (917) 282-9498 jcorace@icmdata.com and go to our web-site www.kiwanispediatrictraumacenter.org

Column Posted on Web Site April 22, 2012

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small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.