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District Secretary

By PG Justin Underwood

Club Elections are due NOW!

Checking your club bylaws, you will note that club elections are supposed to be completed by the middle of May. So Presidents, please, appoint your nominating committees. Secretaries, you can report your club elections "on-line" when you do your monthly reports. In fact, reporting on line is easier than submitting your elections in writing. Through your Secretary's Dashboard, just pick out your club's officers next year by using the convenient "drop down" list and the entire officer's required information is automatically filled in for you! If you wish to use "snail mail" then you can download the club officer reporting form from the Kiwanis International website, www.kiwanisone.org.

Mid-Year Conference

Just a note to thank you all for attending the Mid-Year Conference and making it successful. Governor Bill really wanted to push the envelope with the forums and all of our presenters did just that. Thanks to Executive Assistant PG Joe Corace in his work to make sure the forums and presenters had everything they needed. Also, please help me in thanking PLG Udo Glosch and the Mid-Year Conference Committee for picking up the slack at the registration desk. Udo's team did an outstanding job in making sure that everyone got their proper name badge, ribbons, etc. Finally, thank you Holiday Inn Wolf Road and your complete staff for helping us smooth out the rugged edges so that the conference could be enjoyed by the attendees.

The International Convention

It won't be long now until we are ensconced in New Orleans at Kiwanis International's 97th Annual Convention. This should be a really special convention for the New York District as we see our favorite son Tom DeJulio installed as Kiwanis International's President for 2012-13. You will want to be there for the opening session at 2 p.m. on Thursday, June 28, in the Convention Center, Halls C&D.

Our District Caucus will be at 7:30 a.m. Friday, June 29, at the Hilton Riverside hotel, just 2 blocks from the convention center. The Business Sessions (where Tom is elected President) will begin at 2 p.m. This is a most important house of delegates that will be working to "redo" the Club Bylaws so that clubs can make sure that their own governing documents actually reflect their club operations.

At 5 p.m. in the Hilton Riverside, the New York District Kiwanians will gather to throw a gigantic New Orleans style party to celebrate 2012-13 International President Tom DeJulio and First Lady Dr. Rosemary! Be sure your get your tickets now, because no tickets will be available in New Orleans. After the party, be sure to take in the Legends Concert with Aaron Neville and Branford Marsalis. Finally, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 30, you will want to be back at the Convention Center for the closing ceremonies where 2012-13 President Tom will unveil his plan for the coming Kiwanis year.

The 95th Annual NY District Kiwanis Convention

Everything points to Niagara Falls in August! Set aside the dates of August 16-19, 2012 for our annual District Convention. The convention committee is working hard right now to make this one of the best District Conventions you have been to. From streamlining the registration table to Certification of Delegates to opening the convention to more Kiwanians with lower registration fees and more fun activities available. It is a great time of the year to be in Niagara Falls.

The American Falls is a well-disguised tourist attraction that many people miss. But, do not forget to bring your passport and/or enhanced NYS Driver's license so that you can easily visit the entire Niagara Falls area on both sides of the river.

25th Anniversary of Women in Kiwanis

This year marks the 25th year that Kiwanis has opened their doors to women. And what would Kiwanis be today without these dedicated Kiwanians? Take a look at what your club can do to celebrate our female Kiwanians. How about throwing a party? How about some news articles strategically placed in your local newspaper or even on a local TV or Radio show. We will be celebrating Women in Kiwanis at our District Convention in Niagara Falls and Kiwanis International will be celebrating Women in Kiwanis in New Orleans.

And Finally

The District Office is always available to you. Currently Past Governor Jack Tetamore is generally in the District Office between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each week. Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime at (585) 427-0006 or districtoffice@kiwanis-ny.org. Many people wonder about the (800) 419-8898 number. That number is routed automatically, 24 hours a day, to 585-721-9185. Please leave a message if I am not able to answer and I will get back to you!

Column Posted on Web Site April 22, 2012

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