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Aktion Club

By Debra Rothman

New Orleans was absolutely wonderful this year with the addition of the Aktion Clubs. Although this is the second year that Aktion Clubs have held a convention, last year the convention was held in Indianapolis. DPG David and I were invited to an ice cream social on Wednesday afternoon to meet and greet Aktion Clubbers from around the globe.
Later in the day I volunteered to work the SLP booth in the exhibit hall; playing a game with convention attendees about our Sponsored Leadership Programs. It gave me the opportunity to speak about Aktion Clubs while meeting Kiwanians from all over the world. I finally got to meet Stephanie Speaker of the West Seneca Aktion Club, who had also attended the Aktion Club convention last year. She had a wonderful time attending the forums and could not stop speaking about how much it meant to her to be a member of an Aktion Club.
Stephanie is working with Paul Synor of the East Aurora Aktion Club in planning a Western NY Aktion Club Conference. Four active Aktion Clubs in Western New York, Buffalo, East Aurora, Niagara County and West Seneca have formed a committee to plan a regional conference in this fall. This Planning Committee includes at least one advisor and one member from each club and has had seven meetings since last September. The purpose of this conference is to bring together Aktion Club members to share the projects that they have undertaken and/or completed, encourage ideas for future ones and meet other members and advisors in the region. A tract will be provided for Kiwanis Club presidents in the region to learn how to develop an Aktion Club in their community. A Keynote Speaker, Darren Jackson, who is a Special Assistant to the Director of the WNY DDSO, will address "Good Citizenship in the Community". Musical entertainment will be provided by Sujeet Desai during lunch and at the closing networking session by the band "Beats Me".
This First Annual Regional Conference of the Aktion Clubs of Western New York - "Taking Aktion!" - will be Saturday, Oct 13 at the Hearthstone Manor, 333 Dick Road, Depew, NY 14043 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cost is $25 per person and includes a continental breakfast as well as lunch. For further information contact Paul Synor at 716-652-4061.

Column Posted on Web Site July 28, 2012

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