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Kiwanis Service

Pediatric Lyme Disease

By DPG John Gridley

Step #1: Protect
When is areas with ticks: stay in the center of paths to avoid ticks on brush, use a tick repellent, children should let adults apply this for them, wash off repellents when you return inside.
Dress properly: wear light colored long pants and long sleeves, tuck your shirt into pants and pants into socks to keep ticks on the outside of your cloths.

Step #2: Do Tick Checks

After you come inside, check your entire body for ticks. Do this by looking at your clothes and by running your fingers over your skin. Don't forget your hair, ears, and underarms. You can check your whole body each night at bedtime.

Step #3: Remove Ticks Properly
For proper tick removal use a fine point tweezer to grasp the tick around its mouth parts, at the place of attachment next to the skin. Gently pull the tick straight out. Place the tick in a small vial labeled with the date, victim's name, address, tick's description (i.e. if engorged, color), and estimated hours attached). MARK YOUR CALENDAR TOO! Wash your hands and disinfect the tweezer and bite. Teach kids to seek adult help for tick removal.

Step #4: Call The Doctor

Call and let your doctor know you removed a tick. The doctor may treat on tick bite or may ask you to watch for signs of infection.

Step #5: Call Us
As always, if you need information or if you know any one that has Pediatric Lyme disease and is in need of financial help for treatment or medication, call me or any member of the
Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation.

Thank you to all the members of Kiwanis, Circle K, Key Club, Builders Club and K Kids who have supported Pediatric Lyme. Without you, none of what we do would be possible.

Column Posted on Web Site July 28, 2012

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