Greetings to all of "Bill's Boosters" from your Governor Bill and First Lady Dr. Lavonia. We are having a fabulous year in our New York District.
First I want to thank everyone who attended this year's International Convention in New Orleans. We achieved something that I don't think has ever been done by any District at one Convention before. A new Kiwanis International President, a new Kiwanis International Foundation President, AND a new Circle K International President all winning from the New York District!
First congratulations to incoming International President Thomas DeJulio and Dr. Rosemary. Also, congratulations to incoming International Foundation Board President Peter Mancuso and Karen. And, congratulations to our new Circle K International President Josephine Lukito. We in the New York District are so proud and happy for all of you.
We had more than 300 Kiwanians who attended the International Convention and I know they enjoyed every minute of it. Special thanks to Nydia and Joe Corace for putting together a great celebration and dinner for Tom and Dr. Rosemary DeJulio. And of course to our District Secretary Justin Underwood for helping to keep things running smoothly.
Now it is time to talk membership. I am very happy to report our District is currently on the plus side in membership. But, we cannot stop bringing in new members if we hope to end our year on the plus side. I want to say to all of "Bill's Boosters": Our year at this point is NOT winding down, our year is GEARING UP. We are gearing up for a great membership drive during the months of August and September. The dues are pro-rated during the year; therefore, you can bring in a new member in August for only $12 dues to International. You can bring in a new member in September for only $6 due to International. If ever there was a good time to bring in new members, this would be the time. Remember, if you want your clubs, your Lt. Governor and your District to be distinguished, membership and service projects are the way to do it.
I am currently in the process of building two new clubs in my own Queens East Division. I want to lead by example. Many thanks to all members of our New Club Building and Membership Growth teams for a great job. Special thanks to Kim Scharoff for informing our clubs of potential new members in their area.
Our next big event, of course, is the District Convention August 15-19 in beautiful Niagara Falls. I feel this will be one of the best District Conventions ever. There will be something for everyone; Bus Tours, Boat Rides, sightseeing, casino play and lots of shopping. Come early and leave happy. Also some great guest speakers and good forums. Our honorees at this year's convention will be past Governor Justin Underwood and Past First Lady Joanne. This would be a great chance to honor both of them by coming to the convention. I cannot think of two better people who are more deserving and worthy to be honored for their dedication and service to Kiwanis. Let's all show our support for Justin and Joanne.
In closing, I again want to thank all of my Lt. Governors for the great job they are doing. And also thanks to the District for some great Governor's Visits and all the love and support you have given to me and Lavonia. May God Bless you and I look forward to seeing you at our 95th Annual District Convention.
Column Posted on Web Site July 28, 2012