The start of a new Kiwanis Year brings with it the need to attend to certain records or reports.
Each club president and secretary should check to ensure that the information that Kiwanis International has for the club is correct. This can be checked through the Club Management area of the web site. Check to see that all of the 2012-13 Club Officers have been reported and that their contact information is correct. From the Secretary's Dashboard see that the club's meeting information is current; that all of your sponsored clubs are listed with their current Kiwanis Advisors and that the link shown will indeed link to your club's web site.
KI and the NY District use this information not only to contact the clubs but also as the source for the information in the KI and District Directories and for club contact information on the web sites. Bad information there may prevent individuals interested in your club from being able to contact you - this could mean missed new members or new service opportunities.
During the coming years we are going to find that KI and the District will be relying on electronic reporting more and more. If your club secretary does not have access to the internet there is no reason to replace him/her - rather the club may designate as the assistant secretary a member with internet access who is willing to manage the club's online reporting. All that is needed is an email from the club president to Member Services. The email should identify the individual who is to be the assistant secretary and request that he/she be granted "secretary access" in the club management area. Once this is done the club will be able to add or drop members, file the monthly reports and attend to the other reports that KI wants to handle electronically.
Club secretaries please take a minute or two and double check to see if the club has filed the 2012-13 officers. At this time nearly 100 of our clubs have not reported the current officers. You should submit the report even if all the officers are repeating in the same offices as last year.
Column Posted on Web Site October 30, 2012