I am excited to report that three new Aktion clubs have joined the New York District this year.
Please welcome the Aktion Club of Abbott House, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of White Plains, the Aktion Club of Jamestown, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Jamestown and the Aktion Club of Holland, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Holland. We are growing in numbers and have more than 600 members. Our members have been assisting our K family in many activities as well as performing many service hours on their own projects.
We had a very successful forum at the Mid-Winter Conference. Thank you to Jeff Sanderson and Richard Hermanson, advisors from the Niagara County Aktion Club, and members of the Kiwanis Club of Lewiston who provided a very informative slide show at the forum. Thank you to also to Martha Bachman and Tim Holmes, advisors to the Adirondack Aktion Club and members of the Kiwanis Club of Plattsburgh Breakfast and the Kiwanis Club of Saranac Lake respectively, for bringing members of the club down to the Mid-Winter to participate in the forum. They prepared a slide show of their fundraisers and service projects. They all did a great job!
Kiwanis International and the Indiana District will be holding the third annual Training and Leadership Conference Sept. 6-8. The fee for each TLC attendee is US$100, which pays for food and lodging during the conference, as well as events and transportation at the camp. Registration begins May 1. Please go to www.aktionclub.org for more information.
Kiwanis International has also added a new contest, a T-shirt contest, to promote our Aktion Clubs. Rules for the contest can also be found on the Aktion Club web site.
As always, please follow us on our Facebook page, NY District Aktion Clubs and thank you for all you do.
Column Posted on Web Site April 22, 2013