Spring is in the air. With the Mid-Winter Convention is behind us, congratulations to all the clubs that received awards.
To all the clubs, presidents and lieutenant governors who made Distinguished and Super Distinguished: job well done.
It was a wonderful weekend. These conventions should be fun and enjoyable. I believe we are on our way to do exactly that.
We cannot make it fun unless we hear your ideas. I'm committed to do just that.
I have attended the convention for Circle K and Key Club on March 21-23 in Albany. It was one great time. You can feel the energy from these young adults. It is an honor to work side by side with these Kiwanians. I'm so proud of them. I encourage all the clubs in the district to work with the SLPs and advisors. Give them the support they need. Remember we are building a foundation for their future.
Thank you, to the Queens West foundation for the efforts in building the new library at Kamp Kiwanis. It will be dedicated on May 18, and a plaque will remember Super Distinguished Past Lt. Gov. Angelo (Monti) Maltaghati. This is great time to visit the Kamp and also help getting it ready for the children.
To all the lieutenant governors-elect, I'm looking forward to see you at the training in May. I want congratulate you again for making a difference. I would like see that you have a vision, mission and goal.
Also, please start introducing yourself to your division. Please gather the information of all the presidents and secretaries that will be elected for 2013-14. This is very important for the directory. Have this information By May 15. We will build a stronger bridge for the future of our District. We will make a difference.
We are volunteers and we do the best that we can, because "Kiwanis is in our Hearts & Our Hearts are in Kiwanis".
I'm proud to be part of the Kiwanis Family. We will never lose our focus for the children of the world.
In closing we are getting ready for our International Convention lets show our support to our International President.
Let's have a good showing from our district.
I would like to hear from you, if you have any suggestions or ideas to make our District stronger, fun, and enjoyable. You can contact me at JOA9014@nyp.org or 718-386-3766. So let's continue to be a family and grow.
Column Posted on Web Site April 22, 2013