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By Gov. Al Norato Jr.

On behalf of Dr. Jenny and I, we wish you and yours a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Since last writing, we have, as a district, undergone some tremendous events. On Oct. 1, we organized a new club, with at least 28 new members. Within weeks, most of the lower region of the district was struck by Hurricane Sandy. Just two weeks later, we held our K-Family weekend, in which the theme was unity. Interspersed within all this, Dr. Jenny and I have had the honor of attending club anniversaries, installations and Governor's visits. To close out the year, in a subdued manner, we celebrated the holidays, while reflecting on the tragedies and unspeakable events that occurred in nearby Newtown, CT and our own Webster, NY.

I'm proud to report that while Kiwanians has been battered by the storms and saddened by the recent random acts of violence, we are strong -- sometimes stronger than ever -- and working hard.

While they try to teach you what you can expect as governor, the events that have started this term are not the things that one ever expects to deal with, nor can they teach you to handle. You simply do the very best you can. Once power was restored, I learned of the tremendous need it would take to help not just our neighborhoods, but Kiwanians themselves, who had been impacted. I've been working with clubs, divisions and districts from throughout the world who simply wanted to know what they could do to help. It is comforting to know that many who responded, including those from the Upstate region of this district, did so recalling just how much they had been helped in previous instances. Likewise, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the many Kiwanians, led by DPG Michael Malark, Kamp Kiwanis Kamp Director Rebecca Lopez and Governor-Elect Joseph Aiello, who have given so much time and energy in service to their community as a result of the storm.

We will continue do all that we can to help restore those clubs and divisions that were impacted get back up on their feet. We are with you!

On Dec. 14, 2012, the world was stunned when we learned that 20 precious children and six adults were taken from us by violence. Many Kiwanians felt compelled to "do something". Their need to act was understandable. Many have children; some are or have been school teachers; and, after all, Kiwanis is all about making this a better and safer world for children. On that night, I sent out a message. The essence was to hold our children a little longer and a lot tighter and tell them that they are loved. I also asked that we pray for those lost and that we send letters of condolence to anyone who resides in Newtown, CT.

As we were about to celebrate Christmas Eve, in Webster, NY, hero firefighters were ambushed by the acts of a madman. We honor their memories and mourn for their families and community. Only after having written this article did we learn that one of the slain firefighters was a Kiwanian from the Webster Club. His name was Michael "Chip" Chiapperini. He was a police officer, a volunteer fireman, a father of three and a Kiwanian. In his honor, this edition of the ESK is dedicated to his memory. May this hero, and all the other heroes who never make the front pages, but give the ultimate sacrifice, Rest in Peace.

In life, there are some forces - natural or man-made - we must face that we have little to no control over; nevertheless, we must face them and strive to be stronger. Working together, we will be stronger - than ever before.

Column Posted on Web Site January 22, 2013

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.