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Kiwanis International Foundation

By DPG Peter Mancuso

I've done some traveling on behalf of our International Foundation over the past few months. I recently returned from the Kiwanis International European Federation Convention meeting in Berlin, Germany, where I found a group of highly dedicated, hardworking Kiwanians, who very much enjoyed each other's company and the time they spend together. They were extremely gracious hosts, and were kind enough to give me an opportunity to speak on behalf of our foundation during their board meeting and at their general assembly.
I had a similar experience in March when I traveled to Hiroshima, Japan, for the Kiwanis Asia-Pacific Conference Convention. In addition to the lengthy time that I was given to speak to their House of Delegates about our foundation, we hosted a training session for next year's KIF district chairs, which went very well. The Asia-Pacific Conference leadership also provided extensive opportunities to present the Eliminate Project campaign to the attendees there.
As I told the attendees at each of these conventions, we characterize our foundation's programs in terms of Today, Tomorrow and Forever. In the realm of Today, the grants we provide to those in need stand front and center. We make grants for worthy service projects sponsored by Kiwanis and K-Family clubs all over the world who lack the financial resources to go it alone. I wish that I could tell you that we are able to fund every worthy grant application that we consider, but the fact of the matter is that we were forced to decline four our of every five last year because we lacked the funding for them, which is heartbreaking.
Tomorrow has largely to do with the Eliminate Project, and the effort to save and protect 61 million mothers and their unborn children from the ravages of MNT. Tomorrow is a world without MNT, and I look forward to joining with you to celebrate the dawning of that new world when we gather at our International Convention in Indianapolis in 2015.
And when we discuss Forever, the last part of our fund raising triad, we are referring to planned gifts, which are the backbone of any foundation's endowment program and plans for the future. These include bequests made in wills and trusts, annuities and life insurance policies that benefit our foundation. For an appropriate donor, such donations may be a great opportunity to do good in ways in ways that they find important without adversely affecting their lifestyle. They may even reduce their tax liability in the process. Such gifts make it possible for us to have a positive impact on this world long after we have departed the scene.
Our foundation has created two vehicles for those who wish to make a planned gift. The Heritage Society recognizes those who have done so in an amount of $10,000 or more. The Mary and Bo Schafer Legacy Society recognizes those whose gifts are expected to be $50,000 or more. Our KIF staff spends a great deal of time cultivating leads for such gifts. If you feel that you may be able to make such a gift yourself, or know anyone else who you believe may be able to, please let us know.
Thank you again for all that you and your club does to support our International Foundation.

Column Posted on Web Site July 27, 2013

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