Many of us have returned from ICON in Vancouver and we are now fully charged and prepared to complete the 2012-13 Kiwanis year. In case you were unable to attend, I'll have a comprehensive recounting of the week placed on the NYD website.
Soon, we meet in Henrietta for our 96th Annual NYDCON. It will be a time to learn, a time to re-connect our fellowship with Kiwanians and to make new connections while we focus on the task at hand - to place the final touches on a truly memorable, yet challenging, year. We have work to do!
Recently, I spoke with upper management of Applebee's regarding a proposal to bring in new Corporate Clubs and members. While we are in the preliminary stages, we hope to start a process whereby the individual establishment, working with its employees, will provide numerous possibilities. Taking this approach to starting a new Kiwanis Club is a means of thinking outside of the box with regard to community outreach, strength and sustained growth. We have work to do!
As we close out our term, Jenny and I trust that you know we did all that we could to bring class and grace, along with a heightened degree of respect, to the position of Governor. While not wielding a great degree - if any - of power, it is a position that many have shown great respect for this year. In years to come, as we celebrate 100 years of service in the great New York District of Kiwanis International, it is my hope that those who follow us will respect the position rather than think that it is they who are to be respected simply because they hold it. Respect is always earned before it is given. We have work to do!
While Dr. Jenny and I have met so many wonderful Kiwanians, it is not possible, in such limited space, to mention so many special moments. We have travelled this wonderful district and have been astounded by the tremendous work ethic Kiwanians and our SLP family members have performed to meet the needs of children. We have so many special moments to last a lifetime.
As always, there are many people to thank, but if I tried to list them all, I'd easily run out of space and inadvertently omit some; so from the bottom of our Kiwanis hearts and human souls, Jenny and I simply express our profound gratitude, thanks and love to all of you for all you have done on behalf of the children of the world. Without you - Kiwanians - our accomplishments would be far and few between. With you - working as an All-Star Team - we defied the odds. Not even Mother Nature could beat us. We have work to do!
Our future depends on Kiwanians being willing to think of the long range sustained support of Kiwanis and not just the immediate gratification that ultimately fizzles before we ever see the firework. As I've said many times this year, if the contributions that we each make are those with staying power and longevity, then that is something to be recognized because you placed the organization ahead of yourself. A legacy is always recognized and remembered more than a one-time pop. It's one of the six objects of Kiwanis, and quite frankly, without this object, all others pale in comparison. We have work to do!
My friends, there is slightly less than a quarter of the administrative year to go, and then many years thereafter, Jenny and I have much breath left in us; and, therefore, we have much work to do! Please join us as we do the work that makes Kiwanis so special. On behalf of those who are counting on us to work, let us stop writing and reading and do what we do best - Let's work!
Column Posted on Web Site July 27, 2013