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Kiwanis Service


By Gov. Joe Aiello

Today begins a new journey for this great District. As a family, we must work together and build the bridges to the future for the children. We as a family can accomplish this task. The way we can make it happen is by growth.
My mission and goal is to bring 1,000 new members across this great district. We have the leadership in place to motivate and inspire clubs to bring in new members.
Incentives and marketing are part of the process. Spreading the word about Kiwanis and what we have to offer is a key factor. Have membership round ups, invite a friend to a fun meeting or event or get a corporate member to join. I know we can't do everything; that's why we need growth. The more members we have to volunteer, the more we can get done. But we must start with educating these volunteers.
The most common answer from someone you ask to join, I HAVE NO TIME. Your response to them is, "you just give back a couple hours per month to make a difference in your community to help a child or someone in need". The biggest joy in life is to see a child smile and safe or to make a life a little easier for those less fortunate. It's time now that we go out to our communities and schools, and add a new Kiwanian.
We have a whole menu of different areas that you can support throughout the District: KPTC, KAMP KIWANIS, PEDATRIC LYME DEASE, PROJECT ELIMINATE, KEY LEADER, BUILDERS CLUB, K- KIDS, KEY CLUB, CIRCLE K, AND AKTION CLUB.
The youth need mentors so they can become the leaders of tomorrow. This is where we come in. We are needed in every community and school. Just look around and see what is going on in the world. This is the time we can make the difference.
I encourage every club to work and share ideas with all our SLP'S. I have worked side by side an witnessed what these young adults can do; it's AMAZING. We need to educate, retain, and follow PROTOCOL.
At times we lose sight because of our own personal reasons. Let's make this year extraordinary, special and fun. Make your meetings more fun and interesting. Have a speaker, share ideas. Just have FUN. Come to a meeting, event or project and relieve the stress.
This year the Governor's Project is Autism and the First lady's project is Treats for the Troops. Do your best to support these projects.
In an effort to make the Mid-Year Conference more fun and enjoyable, we are asking that you fill out a short survey (whether you have attended an event or not) at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/B6HDD29.
If you would like to recognize a charter member, or a special occasion, or kiwanian birthday or club, send me an email at: joa9014@nyp.org
Just remember don't just lead with your mind, lead with your heart.
Kiwanis is in my Heart and my heart is in Kiwanis.
Happy Halloween

Column Posted on Web Site November 10, 2013

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small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.