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Kiwanis Service

Eliminate Project

By Sister Anne-Marie Kirmse, O.P., Ph.D.

Here we are at the beginning of a new Kiwanis year, and coming closer to our 100th birthday in 2015. That means we have only 21 more months to donate or pledge to the EliMiNaTe Campaign.
The fundraising aspect of the Campaign is in full swing now and the momentum keeps growing! There is good news to report: two more countries have eliminated MNT through Kiwanis' efforts - Sierra Leone and Gabon.
This is the time for clubs to sit down together and decide on what they can do for EliMiNaTe. So far only 62 percent of our clubs in the New York District have participated. Our neighbor across the Hudson River, the New Jersey District, has 100 percent participation by its clubs. Remember the TV commercial for the Jersey Shore that had the slogan "Stronger than the Storm?" New Jersey Kiwanians certainly are! But what about us? As I said my last column, please send in funds as they come in. Don't hold on to them until you have a larger amount to submit.
There is a new initiative from EliMiNaTe in Indianapolis called "The Speakers' Bureau." Each district in our country had members trained to go to clubs in their areas to speak about Model Clubs. Our speakers are Linda and Jerry Christiano, Rickie Santer, and Rosemary DeJulio. Please welcome them warmly and listen to their presentations with an open mind and heart. Remember - although the Campaign officially ends in 2015, Model and 100K Clubs have five years from their agreement to complete their pledges.
Right now our Sponsored Youth Programs are being invited to participate in "Trick or Treat for UNICEF." Once again all funds raised through this program will be given to EliMiNaTe. Please encourage your sponsored youth to take part in this endeavor. So far Sponsored Youth Programs have raised $2 million for EliMiNaTe! Let's support them in every way that we can.
Another fun item that is on the horizon is the EliMiNaTe Walk at the Tri-K weekend in November. There is a detailed blurb on the District webpage. Please support your Lt. Governor in this Walk. Which division will come out on top? This is a real cliff-hanger! Keep tuned - we'll know in November!
JP DiTroia, EliMiNaTe Division Coordinator for Queens West, has obtained a wonderful offer from Patty Fay of Eternal Branding Plus. Patty will provide, free of charge, a table cover for Project EliMiNaTe. All one needs to do is to call and speak with her about her company. There are absolutely no strings attached. You will be receiving further information about this opportunity in the near future.
Let me conclude by thanking you for the cards, condolences and concern you offered me at the unexpected death of my beloved brother, Robert. He and I were very close and his passing leaves a great void in my life. The kindness of my Kiwanis family has been a great comfort to me, and I am very grateful.
As always--Excelsior!

Column Posted on Web Site November 10, 2013

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