Fellow Kiwanians, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kiwanis International Foundation Immediate Past President Peter Mancuso for leading us this past year. He has truly shown his leadership skills and knowledge through some challenging times.
Additionally, I need to recognize Immediate Past Governor Al Norato Jr. for his leadership and devotion to our District and the KIF.
The Kiwanis International Foundation is hard at work to raise $110 million wipe out neonatal tetanus. One thing we sometimes forget during this campaign is that the KIF needs daily dollars to operate and support programs like Disaster Relief, Scholarships and Grants for worthwhile world club projects.
How can we help? Support the Club Annual Gift Campaign and hold a Skip A Meal meeting. Meet at a members house, library, etc., and just serve light refreshments but charge as if was a regular meeting. Forward the proceeds along with the proper form found on the KIF website and receive recognition.
Halloween is soon approaching, ask your Sponsored Youth Clubs to Trick or Treat for UNICEF to raise funds to support our World Service Project, EliMiNate. It's time to Think Out Of The Box. The KIF will be updating some of its awards and ways to help raise those funds. More on that next time.
When you give to the Kiwanis International Foundation, you extend your Kiwanis impact by helping to fund the grants our foundation provides. The November 15 deadline to have your grant application reviewed at the February board meeting is fast approaching!
All Kiwanis-family clubs, districts and district foundations can submit a grant application. Increase your chances of receiving a grant by making sure your application:
Fully answers all required questions and includes a balanced project budget and all other requested documentation-no more, no less
Explains how your club is contributing both financial resources and volunteer time to your project
Specifies how your project will affect the lives of kids, especially young children
Learn more about Kiwanis-family grants and carefully review the application instructions before submitting your application form. Contact Julie Taylor at 1-800-KIWANIS, ext. 159, or via email at jtaylor@kiwanis.org with questions.
Column Posted on Web Site November 10, 2013