Welcome to a new Kiwanis year of Service. While we have all been working to assure that the business of Kiwanis continues without interruption, it is fitting that we take the time to thank "Al's All-Stars" for all the work they have done to make sure that our clubs are working hard to make our communities better. THANK YOU, PG AL AND YOUR BOARD OF LT. GOVERNORS!
Additionally, we should thank Secretary Dave Booker for all his work over the past year.
Secretaries for 2013-14 should be review your club's monthly reports to assure that all of your club projects have been properly reported and to assure that your club garners as many points as possible towards becoming a distinguished club. Yes, final reports (interclub reports, Governor's Project reports, etc.) can still be submitted through the end of October. Our District's achievement committee uses the information you submit throughout the year to make their determinations of many Annual District Awards.
The new address for the District office is as follows:
New York District Kiwanis International
108 West Maple Avenue
Newark, New York 14513
1-800-419-8898 fax 315-331-3373
e-mail: districtoffice@kiwanis-ny.org
District Secretary Ann Sewert
District Treasurer Justin Underwood
Governor Joe Aiello and his team have put together a most exciting program for this year. His Governor's Project this year asks us all to "Open Your Heart to Autism." Additionally, he wants us to add 1,000 new members and build new clubs while continuing to prepare for future disasters. You can get all the up-to-date information on each of these initiatives on our web site (www.kiwanis-ny.org) along with all the instructions, forms and press releases to make your local club "Shine throughout the community".
As you know, the new World Wide Service Project in conjunction with UNICEF is EliMiNaTe. An effort to raise over $110 million to eliminate the devastating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus through the vaccination of women and children in many underdeveloped countries. The cost, just a mere $1.80 for 3 shots will assure healthy children. Governor Joe is excited to lead the Great New York District in this initial effort.
Speaking of our website, please note the absolutely wonderful job that continues to be done by our Webmaster, Marty Toombs. All of the current club information should be correct on available on www.kiwanis-ny.org. Please review your club's information and if there is an error, or a change in secretaries, presidents, meeting places and times, please e-mail Marty directly and he will get it changed. All the forms and information you need to help your club grow in service and membership should be on that same website as well as on Kiwanis International's website.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact the District Office or at ANY TIME! … Ann Sewert, NY District Secretary or Justin Underwood, Assistant Secretary, 1-800-419-8898 or districtoffice@kiwanis-ny.org
Column Posted on Web Site November 10, 2013