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Kiwanis Service

Aktion Club

By Debra Rothman

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. By the time this comes out I will have returned from the SLP Conference at Kiwanis International headquarters in Indiana and one big point of discussion will be background checks. Criminal history background checks for Kiwanis advisors working with Aktion Club members will be required for the Kiwanis 2013 year and going forward. The background checks should conform to applicable local and state/provincial laws and requirements. In the absence of such regulations, Kiwanis clubs are expected to undertake confidential background checks for all adults who will be working directly with Aktion Club members. That said, it was the decision of the KI board to enforce these new regulations.
If you have any questions you can contact our liaison, Katie Griffin at Kiwanis International regarding this issue.

Column Posted on Web Site January 29, 2014

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