As I sit here today, the very last day of 2013, I choose not to look back but rather to look forward. We can talk about all that we accomplished in 2013 with a major emphasis on the tremendous relief efforts that the New York District Kiwanis Foundation was able to provide to those affected by Super Storm Sandy, to the tremendous relief that the New York District Kiwanians brought to very needy children not only by sending children to Kamp Kiwanis but with all projects that helped brighten the future of our children whether it be in our district or throughout the world.
As I said at the onset of this article, I want to look toward the future, and that means keeping our Kamp going strong in providing a great experience to the underprivileged and physically challenged children that attend each year. The Kamp is your Kamp and it is the flagship of our District and we need all New York District Kiwanians to help out in whatever means they can.
Our Kamp is a business and we have to treat it in that manner, a business has overhead that does not go away if you don't have business and similarly our Kamp has overhead that does not go away once kamping season is over. Therefore we must try to fill the Kamp each season and we must continue our fundraising efforts to be able to underwrite the Kampers' tuition, that's the only way that we can maintain the level service that we provide to those children.
All of our board members, whether they are elected, appointed or because of their position in the New York District, have renewed their commitment to do whatever it takes to better the Kamp. To that end we are putting together some fundraisers that you will be hearing about soon.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our board members for their relentless commitment to our Kamp. I would also like to thank all of the New York District Kiwanis Clubs and all of their members for their commitment to the children of our great district and I wish everyone and their families a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. God Bless you all.
Column Posted on Web Site January 29, 2014