Did you ever want to be on the silver screen? Well, soon you will have your chance as the New York District focuses on the power of marketing to constantly remind the world of why we need their support and try to drive membership. Announcing the "Kiwanis Oscars" where your club gets a chance to showcase itself to your community and fellow Kiwanians.
We all love going to the movies so why not use the same media to promote your club? At first, I know the concept sound a little daunting: "How can we make a movie?" It is easier to do then you think and I promise you'll have at fun doing it! At our upcoming 2014 Mid-Year Conference, to take place Feb. 21-23 at the Holiday Inn in Albany, there will be a forum entitled "Kiwanis Oscars" where we will show you all you need to know to make a great movie about your club (and/or your division, if you so choose).
Did I mention that this is a contest? That's right; you will be in competition with your fellow New York District Kiwanians. But, no matter whether you win or lose the contest you will all still win! That's because the movie you create will be a great marketing tool for your club. You will be able to use it into the future to show anyone in your community why your club is a great community organization (i.e. posted on your website). Here is how it will all work:
I hope many clubs will choose to get into the spirit of things. I believe if you do, this will be a rewarding and valuable experience. Movies and videos capture our hearts - just look at the success of the websites such as YouTube. As we continue to look at ways to make people aware of what we do, the Kiwanis Oscars will inspire you to release your creative club marketing energies.
So, I guess there is nothing left to be said except "Lights, camera, action!" and "See you at the movies!"
Column Posted on Web Site January 29, 2014