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Kiwanis Service

Child Protection

By Jim Mancuso

One of the things I like most about Kiwanis International is the volume and variety of website content available to members. They go out of their way to provide us all with the tools we need to make our volunteer experience a great one and help those who we serve. The Kiwanis International content engine has now turned its focus to the Youth Protection Program.
There are a few tools I recommend that you take advantage of as soon as possible:

With the tools Kiwanis provides there is no reason not to be educated on a topic which is of importance to your club. It is all there for the taking and it only takes a little bit of time to make sure we are protecting our kids and our members.
There will also be a Youth Protection training forum at the upcoming Mid-Winter Conference, which will take place Feb. 21-23 at the Holiday Inn in Albany. I look forward to seeing you all there so we can dive into this all too important issue of protecting our youth.

Column Posted on Web Site January 29, 2014

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small logoKiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.