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By Mickie Leamey

New York District K-Kids Administrator Mickie Leamey and her Contest and Awards Committee recently met to judge the district's entries in the 8 K-Kids International Contests and Awards.

The 2013-2014 New York District results are as follows:

The District Administrator and the entire committee would like to congratulate all the clubs and individual K-Kids members who submitted entries. This year, the entries were among the best in recent memory.

As per International rules, the first place in each contest will be forwarded to Kiwanis International Headquarters. The K-Kids International Judging Committee will select 1st, 2nd and 3rd place International winners from the 1st place entries from each District around the globe.

The New York District wishes each of our District first Place winners the best of luck as they represent us in the contests at the International level.

Column Posted on Web Site April 11, 2014

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