I hope that all the members of the District are as excited as I am about the start of our new Kiwanis Year! This promises to be a very dynamic and upbeat year for us all.
As you may have noticed our District Board has moved forward with some changes in the ESK and the District's web site. Rather than having these two very important means of communication with the membership operating independently the decision was made to combine the positions of Webmaster and ESK Editor. At the same time the web site has been overhauled and expanded - all the clubs are encouraged to forward any pictures and articles for inclusion on the web site. The result will be an always changing source of information about the events around the District while the printed ESK can then be a source of information on upcoming District events and general information. Be sure to read Marty Toombs' article in this ESK about this change.
The International Convention is going to be in Las Vegas; Colin Powell will be the featured speaker at the opening session and as if that weren't enough our own Tom DeJulio is a candidate for International Vice President. If you have attended an International Convention when the District has had a strong candidate you know just how great a time it can be - be sure to read DPG Peter Mancuso's article for more on this.
The Mid-Year Conference promises to be one to remember. Two very dynamic forward looking International leaders have offered the assistance at the conference. It is always an honor to have the International President visit a district but President Paul Palazzolo is coming not for an "Official International President's Visit" but to roll up his sleeves and work with us. Our International Trustee/Counselor, Stew Ross, has rearranged his schedule so that he too can attend the conference. At the Albany Convention, Stew offered a forum on "Kiwanis Magic" which was very well received (he promises to have more of the "rabbit in the hat - 'Kiwanis Magic'" pins). The knowledge, experiences and insights of these two men when combined with the expertise of the "Two Joes" (the District's New Club Building and Membership Growth Chairs, Joe Eppolito and Joe Weiss) should leave no one uninspired or unmotivated to "Take Their Club From Good To Great!" See the articles on the front page and by Secretary/Treasurer Ann for more information about this event. And do plan to attend and take advantage of the opportunity to met and speak with these two leaders.
Don't overlook any of the information in this issue.
I have to add that, for me personally, the start of the year has exceeded my expectations. The K Family Weekend was a great experience. To watch the members of the three NYD K-Family Boards interacting and working together was inspiring and I know new friendships were formed at all levels. I am looking forward to all future visits to the District's clubs and divisions. If those that I have completed are any indication I will have a most enjoyable time meeting new friends and learning firsthand about the great works being done by our Kiwanians in New York.
Lastly I must thank you, the Kiwanians of the New York District, for the individuals you have chosen to serve on the District Board this year. I can not envision working with any group of Lieutenant Governors, District Chairs or Officers that would be more motivated by the spirit of Kiwanis as they serve the New York District. I hope to see many of you in March at the Mid-Year Conference if not before.
Column Posted on Web Site December 28, 2009