Thanks to Kiwanis programs, people of all ages become the most engaged members of their communities.
Your annual gift to the Kiwanis International Foundation helps. Our Foundation provides direct financial support for Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs, which range from K-Kids for elementary students up to Circle K International for college students. It also funds programs for the Aktion Club, adults with disabilities.
The KIF also extends your impact to the lives of children around the world. These programs, projects and initiatives are all possible because of your support. Ensure that the mission of Kiwanis is carried out and carried forward. Please give today, it also goes towards your club reaching distinguished status.
A simple way to support the KIF is with Skip A Meal. April is Skip A Meal month. It's simple just hold your meeting at its regularly scheduled time and collect the funds as if you are eating but serve light refreshments. Take those funds a forward them to the KIF. For more information log onto
Column Posted on Web Site April 20, 2014