Kiwanis International has embarked on a Campaign for Growth that all Districts will be involved in an intense manner for the next five administrative years (including the balance of this year).
We are in Region #1 along with the Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New England Districts. Training will take place in Pittsburgh, PA on May 30-31.
Governor Joe Aiello and Governor-Elect Eric Paul are both committed to growth, especially in the area of New Club Building. Having been involved in Membership and New Club Building for more than 25 years, I am the District Chair for Campaign for Growth. We have chosen 27 New Club Building chairs (one per division) and 54 New Club Building counselors (two per division) to attend the training along with the 2014-15 Lt Governors.
We must break the chain of downward membership, once and for all. Twenty-five years ago we had 14,000 members in the New York District and now we are at about 7,500. New Club Building can be the catalyst for growth in all of our divisions. We have had positive growth in only four years since 1989. Revitalization of other clubs in divisions can also occur as well.
We are asking for your help to work with these teams of dedicated Kiwanians to help REBUILD NEW YORK! We can do this TOGETHER!
Membership IS on the rise this year. Let's keep it going! Through March 31st we are a POSITIVE 349! We have two new clubs already built with several under construction. Sponsoring clubs will be asked to work with a new club for 2-3 years in order for the new club to mature.
We will be publishing the members of our Campaign for Growth Team by division very soon. We ask you to be part of the solution to growing our district. More Members = more service to the children and communities that we all serve!
Column Posted on Web Site April 20, 2014