As of this writing we are at 756 members and we have only 244 more members to go to reach our 1,000 goal set by our governor.
Our district is without a doubt a leader in new membership growth. We are number one in the United States and number five in the world. I am very proud to be a New York Kiwanian. We know how to do it. And we very close to our goal.
Can we reach our goal? Without a doubt. There are 260 clubs in this great New York District. If each club would bring in just one new member, that's right, just one, we would easily meet the goal.
Now that we are on our last leg of our drive, I am asking each lieutenant governor, each president, each secretary, and each member to double their efforts to encourage each club to bring in members.
To that end I have a written a short poem to remind us we can do it
ADDING ONE, a singular number that brings us closer to our goal
ONE, each club should do
ONE, we all need to do it
ONE, is before two
TWO, can do more too
ONE, will let us grow
ONE, any combination we know
ONE, needs will come true
ONE, to bring happiness too
ONE, moments will share
ONE, let us show we care
ONE, you know we can
ONE, it's all up to you
ONE, the number has the means
ONE, that can multiply the deeds
ONE, So Let's Make a difference
A thousand K
Column Posted on Web Site July 6, 2014