As the 2013-14 Kiwanis service year draws to a close, the New York District K-Kids Committee would like to thank the many Kiwanians throughout the district who nurture and support our K-Kids.
This year, one of K-Kids biggest supporter has been Gov. Joe Aiello. Gov. Joe has gone above and beyond in attending K-Kids events, providing opportunities for the K-Kids to be recognized for their service and in providing resources to assist K-Kids in their many projects and fundraisers.
Of course, we would be remiss if we didn't thank our wonderful Faculty and Kiwanis Advisors who so expertly guide our K-Kids. The advisors are the individuals who on a daily basis keep our K-Kids serving and developing into leaders.
This year, we have added five new clubs and nearly all our clubs are active and dues paid.
We also had a record breaking year for entries in the K-Kids International contests. However, there are still many clubs who do not enter.
At our K-Kids forum at District Convention in August, we will be focusing on coaching clubs on how to submit winning entries.
As incoming Kiwanis Club presidents begin appointing Club Chairpeople and Kiwanis Advisors, we ask them to pay extra attention to choosing the right people as K-Kids advisors. An area of focus for Gov.–Elect Eric G. Paul in the 2014-15 service year will be recommitting ourselves to our Service Leadership Programs. Be prepared to support your advisors with appropriate training. Should you require any assistance in training new or returning advisors, please do not hesitate to call on your New York District K-Kids Committee.
You can reach the committee by calling District K-Kids Administrator Mickie Leamey at (516) 333-3563 or Assistant Administrator Rich Santer at (516) 579-5458 or via email to
Column Posted on Web Site July 21, 2014