I am sitting on a train with 4 Key Club district board members on our way to Buffalo where we will leave tomorrow for the Key Club International Convention (ICON) in Anaheim, CA. The district tour includes touring the sites in San Francisco and Yosemite National Park and then on to the convention on Wednesday for 4 days and then home again on Sunday.
We have 3 past district board members running for International Office. Immediate Past Governor Paul DeSantis is running for International President and Past Lt. Govs. Laken Kelly and Lillian Xie are running for International Trustees. We have a total of 40 students and 8 adults attending this wonderful leadership development experience. Whether the candidates win or lose it will be a priceless experience for them. The students who are attending and not running for office will receive valuable training in workshops designed to strengthen their leadership skills.
I want to say thank you to the many, many Kiwanis clubs who financially supported these students so they could attend this great educational experience. I also want to thank those divisions who also sent money. We received money from clubs that do not have a lieutenant governor in their division. I will attempt to compile a list of all the clubs and divisions that donated to the students going to ICON.
I also want to thank you for your financial support of your Key Clubs that attended the District Leadership Conference this past March. We had over 650 Key Clubbers that benefited from your generous support of that educational event.
I am proud to be a Kiwanian, I am extremely proud to be a New York Kiwanian and I am honored to serve as your District Key Club Administrator.
Column Posted on Web Site July 26, 2014