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Kiwanis Service

Key Leader

By Kim Scharoff

I became District Chairperson for the Key Leader program once again after the untimely passing of Mary Jean Sprague. I was fortunate to be able to work with MJ when she became chairperson after me and her amazing team of site coordinators.
Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership program for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership -- it comes from helping others succeed.
Participants begin by attending a Key Leader conference, which is a weekend retreat. Large and small group workshops, discussions and team-building activities take place over the course of the weekend. Students have opportunities to learn leadership skills that will help them to change their schools, communities, and world for the better. While exploring leadership in a whole new way, participants will make amazing new friends and have experiences they will never forget. Positive, ongoing interaction with other Key Leader graduates offers continuing reinforcement, encouragement and growth of leadership skills.
This spring the New York District held 2 Key Leader events back to back! The first was at the Greenkill Conference Center and coordinated by Distinguished Past Lt. Gov. David Morse. The following weekend, the program was conducted at Camp Stella Maris, coordinated by Distinguished Past Lt. Gov. Ann Holevinski and Lewiston on club President Dean Beltrano. All three of the site coordinators went above and beyond expectations to make the events a success for the nearly 70 participants. Thank you to these three individuals for their dedication and commitment to this program.
In addition, financial donations were received from numerous Kiwanis Clubs from throughout the District to help support the program through student sponsorships and additional monetary support to ensure that all necessary supplies were purchased and available for use during the weekend. Thank you to those clubs that sponsored students or made additional donations to support the program.
The Key Leaders that participated in these weekends learned the tenants of service leadership through lecture, group activities, self-reflection and participation in a low "challenge" ropes course. The individuals gained valuable insight into who they are and how they can make a difference in the world. We know that the participants learned valuable information that they will be able to share and implement.
We are hoping to be able to host another event at Camp Stella Maris in the spring of 2015. Please keep your eyes open for further information.

Column Posted on Web Site July 26, 2014

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