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Kiwanis Service


By Al Federico

Veterans will be recognized at a breakfast at the District Convention in Albany, on Saturday Aug. 16, at 7:30 a.m.
Governor Joe wants to honor every veteran who attends the convention by presenting them with a special memento and thank you for your service to our country. The breakfast is open to all, but only veterans will receive the memento.
Please note you don't have to attend the breakfast to receive your gift, but we sure would love to have you there.
There are three things we request of you, to insure you receive a gift.
1. On the Registration Form in the "Ribbons" section, circle Veteran.
2. Also on the Registration Form in the "Function and Cost" section, check Veteran's Breakfast and write in $22.
3. On a separate sheet of paper, print your full name, your Rank at time of discharge, the branch of service, your dates of service, the name of your Kiwanis Club and the Kiwanis Division you’re in.
Distinguished Past Lt. Gov. Al Teetsel of the Hudson River Division and a former Air Force staff sergeant will be the speaker.
The invocation will given by a Gold Star Mother from the Albany Area.
We are pleased to have the Honor/Color Guard from the Captain William Dale O’Brien Detachment of the Marine Corp League lead us in the Pledge.
Register early and we hope to see you at breakfast on Aug. 16.

Column Posted on Web Site July 26, 2014

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