Welcome to yet another NEW Kiwanis year of Service. Governor Joe Aiello and his team of "Joe's Jaguars", especially Membership Chair J.P. DiTroia, are to be applauded for growing the NY District Kiwanis with more than 1,000 New Members. This is fantastic and everyone should be rejoicing, because this means more hands to help our communities!
Additionally, we should thank Secretary Ann Sewert for all her work, her special studies on the district budget and for her bringing us a smooth Mid-Year Conference and District Convention.
Secretaries for 2013-14 should be sure to review your club's monthly reports to assure that all of your club projects have been properly reported and to assure that your club garners as many accolades as possible for your work this past year. Yes, final reports (interclub reports, Governor's Project reports, etc.) can still be submitted through the end of October. Our District's achievement committee uses the information you submit throughout the year to make its determinations of many annual district Awards. So please take this time to make sure your project detail is reflected in your reports.
The new address for the District office is as follows:
New York District Kiwanis International
900 Jefferson Road
Wholesale #2, Suite P7
Rochester, New York 14623
585-272-7625 Fax: 585-214-2068
e-mail: districtoffice@kiwanis-ny.org
District Secretary/Treasurer Justin Underwood
1-800-419-8898 (585-721-9185)
As you know, the new World Wide Service Project in conjunction with UNICEF is EliMiNaTe. Worldwide we are well over $53 million towards our goal of over $110 million to eliminate the devastating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus through the vaccination of women and children in many underdeveloped countries. The cost, just a mere $1.80 for 3 shots, will assure healthy children. This is the last year for us to reach our District's goal and Governor Eric is excited to lead the Great New York District on our final leg to meet that goal.
If you have any questions at all, please contact the District Office or me at ANY TIME!
Column Posted on Web Site November 1, 2014