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Kiwanis Service

Key Leader

By Dean Beltrano

THANK YOU! There was great effort and support on behalf of the New York District for Key Leader. Those clubs that sponsored students, you have given them the chance of a lifetime to learn what it means to be a Servant Leader. To those clubs that sent funds to pay for students, you have my gratitude as well. You helped pay for students who otherwise would not have been able to attend.
And as much as myself, Site Coordinator Ann Holevinski and the entire adult team thanks you, the students thank you more. It was a life changing experience for some and with any luck we have planted the seeds for future Key Clubbers, Circle Ker's and Kiwanians.
While we didn't reach our goal of 60 student participants, we were able to meet the requirements of the guarantee without costing the district any money. And we can continue to do this with the support of the clubs for this worthwhile program.
We are heading into budget season, and I would ask that each club set aside at least $100 to help support Key Leader. If you want to continue sponsoring and sending students, we look forward to meeting them. If you were good with sending funds to support the program, we're okay with that too. But we need to begin planning now, and that planning begins with knowing there are funds dedicated to this program.
I humbly look forward to serving the district again and making Key Leader an integral part of the District Kiwanis Family.

Column Posted on Web Site August 2, 2015

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