With the coming of Spring, KPTC looks forward to an increase in activities supporting our mission to prevent and treat pediatric trauma.
The KPTC Foundation Board is pleased to be working with several Kiwanis Clubs and Divisions on a number of fund raising events. The LISC Kiwanis Division is running a Baskets and Bingo event on April 9nth. On April 25th, the North Shore Kiwanis Club is running its annual Bike Challenge. The Friends of KPTC will hold its Annual Auction at the Cedarhurst Country Club on May 12th.
This summer will bring our annual Golf Outing on July 26 followed by the Black & White Ball on Sept 24th.
Our KPTC Service Leadership Committee also continues to support the trauma center. Recent donations through the KPTC Service Leadership Fellows program include the Bowling Green K-Kids, the Island Trees Builders Club, the Key Clubs of Divisions 6, 7 and 8 as well as the Long Island Division of Circle K and NYCKI.
By the time this article is printed, KPTC Service Leadership Committee Circle K Chair Rickie Santer will have held his Rainbow Ball to benefit KPTC. This event sprung out of the Circle Kers and Key Clubbers desire to support KPTC's Black & White Ball. Due to the cost and other issues, most college and high school students do not attend the Black & White. Therefore, they decided to hold their own less expensive ball. Thanks to the generous budget provided by Adelphi University, Rickie held the Rainbow Ball on Sunday, March 28 without any costs; 100% of ticket sales and journal ads go directly to the KPTC Foundation.
In addition our Service Leadership Committee has also continued its partnership with the NYS Safe Kids Coalition. Their next training workshop is scheduled for April 9th in the Garden City School District. Garden City requested that our Circle Kers train their elementary school students and parents because the school district eliminated some school bus routes which will cause an increase in the number of students walking to school. The Circle Kers will be focusing the workshop on the pedestrian safety unit.
Additional information on all of these events can be found on our website: www.kiwanispediatrictraumacenter.org.
The Foundation board is grateful to all the Kiwanians and Kiwanis Clubs who support KPTC. If you would like a Foundation Board member to visit your club and do a program, please don't hesitate to contact President Joe Corace.
Column Posted on Web Site April 17, 2010