Once again another great Kamping season at Kamp Kiwanis comes to a close.
Every year we reflect on the season and somehow it always feels like it was the best season yet, but I guess it's just a feeling because we all know that each season is a great season simply because we have given so many children a great experience of new friendships, a renewed sense of confidence, cooperation and tolerance for others.
Of course, let's not forget the great deal of fun that is had by these children by participating in sports and games. We know by looking at them in their reluctance to leave the Kamp on Saturday morning, that they have had a life-changing experience and can't wait to come back next year.
This thought brings me to something that Gov. Forbes Irvine said in his remarks at a meeting that I attended. Forbes reminded all of us who have been involved in sending children to Kamp Kiwanis and it's something that sometimes many of us don't think about. It is a wonderful feeling when a club or an individual finds a needy child, sends him or her to Kamp and know that they have done something really great for that child. But what happens after that when the child goes back home for the next 51 weeks of the year?
Do you know if that child and his family need some help, perhaps that child needs clothing and books for school, perhaps the family may need help for food, perhaps the family cannot afford to provide that child and his/her siblings toys for Christmas or anything else that that the family may need. I wanted to relay those very poignant remarks because I know that they made me think a lot about them. I hope it affects you the same way. Follow those children, see what you can do to make their lives just a little bit better and you will change their lives and make them better productive member of their communities. I know that if you do that, they will grow up to be better members of society and they will pay it forward.
I hope that you will have a great, healthy and safe 2015-16 Kiwanis year, I hope that all of your goals are achieved and I hope that in this upcoming holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas that you think about Forbes' remarks and follow those children.
God bless you for all you do for our community.
Column Posted on Web Site October 25, 2015