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Kiwanis Service

Legion of Merit/Legion of Honor

By Candace Corsaro


Every year, the New York District recognizes Kiwanis Club members who have completed 5, 10, 15 and 20 years with the Legion of Merit Certificate and corresponding lapel pins designating the corresponding year.

The cost for each certificate and pin is $5.95, which is payable by check to the New York District and sent to me with your request form. Upon receiving your request, certificates will be prepared and sent to your club secretary along with the designated pins.
As this year's Chair, I am asking that each club secretary upon submitting their Legion of Merit request forms, allow 7-15 day turnaround when they need it, so I may meet their deadline in a timely fashion.


Kiwanis International recognizes Kiwanians who have completed 25, (The 25 year of Kiwanis-club do not have to be consecutive, and can be accumulated in more than one club) 30, 35 years and so on with the Legion of Honor Certificate and corresponding lapel pin. A member is eligible for each when he or she is within six months of reaching that milestone. Certificate and pins are $15.95 and ordered through KiwanisOne.Org/Store or email shopping@kiwanis.org, please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.

Presentation of these awards can be a memorable moment for the recipient and his or her fellow Kiwanians.
Each lieutenant governor has received a package with individual club applications ready to be filled out and mailed. If at any time, you may have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail or call me at kltgovernorcandace@aol.com or at 716-804-4698.

Column Posted on Web Site April 29, 2016

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