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Kiwanis Service

Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation

By DPG John Gridley

Treatment of early-stage, acute Lyme Disease requires immediate, aggressive antibiotic therapy.

The probability that acute, early-stage Lyme Disease will progress into chronic Lyme Disease increases dramatically the longer antibiotic therapy is postponed. Therefore, if you think that you were recently bitten by a tick and you are in the early stages of Lyme Disease, it is critical that you find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) immediately to initiate antibiotic therapy.

LLMDs are much more qualified to treat Lyme Disease than are general practitioners or infectious disease doctors. You can get a referral to an LLMD at www.lymenet.org and also at www.lymediseaseassociation.org.

The "LLMD" title is not an official credential or designation, but instead indicates that a physician is willing and qualified to work with Lyme sufferers. LLMDs are physicians who believe in the existence of chronic Lyme Disease and who are willing to help patients suffering from Lyme Disease. LLMDs are compassionate, supportive, and understanding when dealing with chronic Lyme Disease sufferers. They are also willing to prescribe aggressive antibiotic therapy to fight the entrenched bacterial infection. LLMDs are willing to use antibiotic therapy because they observe that, time and time again, chronic Lyme Disease sufferers actually get better with antibiotic therapy.

So as I always say, if you get bitten by a tick go directly to your doctor a demand that you start antibiotic therapy immediately.

I would like to thank Gov. Forbes Irvine and all the Kiwanis members, clubs, divisions and sponsored organizations who have taken the time to care and share and support our cause. For without your help we could not do what we do.
As always, if you know a child with Lyme disease and is in need of financial assistance just give me or any board member a call.

Column Posted on Web Site August 5, 2016

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