As we begin this new year of Kiwanis, let us thank the previous year for a job well done. Thank you Immediate Past Gov. Forbes Irvine and First Lady Helene Irvine for leading our district with compassion and thoughtfulness. Thank you to the entire Kiwarnergy team for supporting our district foundations, as well as many other service projects. I am humbled and thrilled to be given the opportunity to lead the great New York district this year.
International President Jane Erickson likes to say, "we have the ability to leave a positive handprint on our communities and the children of the world!" That is certainly true here in the New York district! Whether it's having a baby shower in our communities for our warm beginnings project, or educating our young people on the perils of bullying or having a NARCAN training, New York district is there for our communities.
Back in May, I introduced Gio's 3 "C's" - Community, Children and Club. To a Kiwanian, the club is where it all begins, through the club we help our communities and we help the children of our communities.
Since it all begins at the club, my number one emphasis will be membership. Let's ensure that New York Kiwanis is around for another 100 years. I am asking that each member of Kiwanis bring in just one new member this year. Just imagine the impact that would have on your club alone. All those helping hands at service projects or fundraising. What a difference that will make.
The Governor's Project this year will be having a service project for either Juvenile Diabetes Research or Autism. As well, I would like to continue the programs that Gov. Forbes began last year: anti-bullying, drug prevention and having student athlete hearts checked. These issues are too important to not continue to keep them at the forefront of our communities.
Welcome and congratulations are in order to David Morse, David is now The Formula Chair for the New York District. Any questions regarding the formula can be sent to David directly at
There is much work to do in our communities, while we can't solve every issue, by working together we certainly can make a difference. We can be that positive handprint that President Jane speaks of.
Column Posted on Web Site October 22, 2016