As you may have heard, changes are afoot with the Kiwanis International Foundation, now known as the Kiwanis Children's Fund.
Kiwanis is trying to modernize its charitable giving arm, and saw an opportunity to change the name, which would enhance our motto: serving the children of the world. This rebranding will be far-reaching, as it will strengthen the understanding of the foundation's purpose, providing a better connection to the cause upon which it focuses. Hopefully, this change will enhance its image, which will result in increased donations from our members and outside sources; ultimately leading to the foundation's ability to provide more services to children.
Speaking of gifts, and with the beginning of the New Year, we now need to focus on the donations clubs and individuals within the New York District provide to further the mission of the Kiwanis Children's Fund. That mission is a very critical one focusing on the health, education, leadership development and other "priority" issues for children.
The New York District has always donated generously, with clubs donating approximately $24,000 and individuals $7,500 during the 2015-16 administrative year. As the fund tries to grow and provide more services to children, the goals for the 2016-17 are $37,000 for the district clubs and $21,000 for individuals. These amounts, while challenging, are obtainable if we keep in mind all of the good the Kiwanis Children's Fund does across the world as our primary source of motivation.
Please also remember when a club or individual member supports the Kiwanis Children's Fund, those funds are put to work in the form of grants which any club can apply for, and the "President's Challenge" which provides incentives back to the district when donation goals are achieved.
Your mindfulness and support of this worthy cause, as always, is greatly appreciated.
Column Posted on Web Site February 4, 2017