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Kiwanis Service

Kiwanis International Foundation

By DPG Joe Eppolito

The Annual Club Gift Campaign is the only source of unrestricted funds that the Kiwanis International Foundation is able to use to support Key Leader, Service Leadership, Disaster Relief, Grants and Kiwanis Educational Programs that they fund each administrative year.

We conduct a campaign by sending correspondence to club presidents and secretaries with information on our needs. As of May 20, the New York District through its clubs, has contributed $19,072 in total and $2.40 per Kiwanian. This ranks us 15th and 26th, respectively out of 30 North American Districts. We earn one Key Club and one Circle K scholarship for each $1/Kiwanian of giving. We have NEVER reached the $3/Kiwanian mark. Last year we ended-up at $2.62/Kiwanian ... our highest level of giving in district history. We need to break that barrier and go well beyond.

Every club that makes a donation receives a banner patch for the club banner. Subsequent donations in following years earn a chevron stripe that goes under the banner patch by year. The club also earns 10 points towards Distinguished Club status. So many clubs fall short by not donating to the Annual Club Gift.

Many clubs have not given this year hat have in the past. A large number of clubs have NEVER given at All. Isn't it time to help our International Foundation so they can help the children of the world?

Did you know that they return a portion of the donated funds to support our Honors Breakfast at the New York District Convention each year? Jack Harten will be our incoming Kiwanis International Foundation President and Peter Mancuso sits on the Board as well as a Trustee. Will you help and make a donation? We hope you would consider $5/Kiwanian in your club as of your membership on Oct. 1, 2009. But if you can not do that, make a donation that your club can be proud of! Please do it now!

Kiwanis International President Paul Palazzolo visited us at our Mid-Year Conference and could not stress enough for clubs to give to the Annual Club Gift. Won't you take the time and donate soon!

Questions? Contact me at 315-449-3000 x 358 or email me at Pepster@aol.com

Do it for the children. Give generously! Thanks!

Column Posted on Web Site May 21, 2010

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.