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Kiwanis Service

Aktion Club

By Debra Rothman

We are having a very successful Aktion Club year as we continue to grow.
Please welcome our two newest clubs, ACLD Bridges Aktion Club, sponsored by Bethpage Central Park Kiwanis Club and MS:Suburban Adults Service Foundation Aktion Club sponsored by the following clubs: Elma, Marilla and Wales. This brings us to 41 paid clubs and 806 members.
Back in May I attended the charter and installation for the Anchor Aktion Club sponsored by Peninsula Kiwanis. It was a great honor to speak and I had a wonderful time.
Our Aktion Clubs have been keeping very busy. The Anchor Aktion Club did a cleanup on one of our local Long Island beaches. The Jamestown Aktion Club did a cleanup for Hands On Jamestown in May, and had a terrific time participating in this service project. The Sullivan County Aktion Club volunteered in April to clean up the village of Monticello and participated in a RISE Walk in Monticello, an advocacy program they support.
The district convention is coming up in August. We will be holding a forum as usual. All contest entries will be due at that time. Please contact me if you have any question. If you have any pictures of your Aktion Clubs in "action", they will be posted on the New York District Aktion Club Facebook page if you forward them to me at blueyes1255@aol.com.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer.

Column Posted on Web Site August 1, 2017

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