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By Gov. Candace Corsaro

Fellow Kiwanians,
I am humbled and honored to be elected as your Governor for 2017-18. We have an outstanding board of lieutenant governors this year. Many new changes will be instituted this year, some from Kiwanis International and some from our district.
Our clubs need to grow to be able to continue to help our children and our communities. Our SLPs are growing like wild fire; WHY aren't we? We must do what we need to do to continue to be successful. This year we will do just that! Open New Clubs - Retain Our Members and Have FUN Doing It!
Our 2018 Mid-Year Conference theme will be Rock-N-Roll, so bring your poodle skirts, lettermen jackets and saddle shoes with you to the Desmond, Feb. 16-18, 2018. The 2018 District Convention will be in Syracuse and the theme will be the Roaring 20's.
We will be changing things up throughout the year, especially at our Mid-Year Conference and DCON. There will be recognition of members, clubs and lieutenant governors. Our "Everyday Hero" award is returning.
My Governor's Projects are "Children with Special Needs" and "No Veterans Left Behind". Past Gov. Bill Risbrook will chair "Children with Special Needs" and Past Lt. Gov. Al Federico will chair "No Veteran's Left Behind".
I ask that you concentrate on "Children with Special Needs" in two areas: children with Down Syndrome and childhood cancer touching that individual child. Our "No Veterans Left Behind" project should be tailored to what works in your community, such as having a breakfast, lunch or dinner for veterans, collect toiletries, socks or blankets for veterans, or take a veteran to the movies. Whatever you can do will help these men and women who served our country. Just don't do a project once, make it a sustaining project for the whole year and beyond! All clubs that participate in the Governor's Projects will receive a club patch and a certificate.
I have asked all New York District committee chairs to expand their committees by adding 5 Kiwanians to their committee. We are a "TEAM"!
Please feel free to contact me anytime. I am available for your functions and fundraising when possible. So here we go -- hang on to your hats… as the saying goes.
God Bless Kiwanis. God Bless America.

Column Posted on Web Site October 31, 2017

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.