As part of the Formula team, I am again the vice chair for New Club Opening for the New York District. Region I and District Formula Chair Past Gov. Eric Paul and I have divided the district into 8 Zones, with a Zone Chair and New Club Opening Chairs for most all divisions.
These Kiwanians have been trained by Kiwanis International and are committed to work in their divisions to build new clubs along with their respective 2017-18 lieutenant governors - Candies Team.
PLTG Trish Hook from the Finger Lakes Division serves as our vice chair for Membership and PLTG Joe Ruggiero from the Brooklyn Division serves as our vice chair for Formula coaches. Together with Gov. Candace Corsaro, Gov.-Elect Hank Baker and Immediate Past Gov. Stephen Sirgiovanni, we are totally committed to grow our great district. Join us in this mission! If we all work together, we can make it happen!
Most divisions have two new club coaches who have been trained to work with newly formed clubs for a time period to ensure their success in operating. The coaches are also available to clubs that are struggling as well. Do not hesitate to contact them.
We need to grow. The Formula is a five-year program (in its fifth year) to grow Kiwanis significantly to meet the challenges ahead of us for service and fellowship. We have built 19 clubs in the first four years of The Formula, ranking us fifth out of 34 Districts in the Northern Hemisphere. However, that is PAST history. We need to step-up our new club opening efforts the last nine months of this administrative year.
Congratulations to Niagara Frontier South Lt. Gov. Bonnie Baker, Gov.-Elect Hank Baker and Eric Paul for building the first new club of the year, the Kiwanis Club of South Buffalo. The organization meeting took place Jan. 3 with about 20 members.
We have a number of sites picked for new clubs and we hope to have four to five new clubs by the end of February. If you have a site, contact your lieutenant governor and/or New Club Opener. He/she will form a team to pursue the opportunity.
The entire Formula Team can be found on the district web site, or ask your lieutenant governor. Don't wait! Our goal is to open 10-20 clubs to make a difference in our district this year. We can do it!
Let me repeat, if you have a potential site, please contact your division's new club opener, lieutenant governor and me.
We also have openings on our formula team.
If we do not grow Kiwanis now, we will have a dim future for our great organization. Let's grow together!
Feel free to contact me at (315) 436-2157 or by email,
Column Posted on Web Site January 23, 2018