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Kiwanis Service


By Gov. Candace Corsaro

As we move forward, a time of hope and promise within our own lives, our families, our communities, our workplace and the broader world around us. As part of this potential, 2018 also represents a time of renewed commitment to our goals for improving our Kiwanis district by enhancing CHANGE.
As I visit your divisions, it still amazes me how much you all accomplish. Since October 1 our District has added 287 new members. Along with three new clubs, Niagara Frontier South division - South Buffalo, Our second club our Long Island Southwest division - Valley Stream and our third club is Queens West Division - Ridgewood. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Our Formula Team is doing a fantastic job, especially our Vice-Chair Past Gov. Joe Epollito for staying on top of it all.
Our mid-winter conference has come and gone with many new workshops and what a fun evening at our 60s Beer Blast. Thank you, Past Gov. Joe Corace for chairing this fun event. Our Circle K and Key Club conventions where held in March and what a wonderful time spent with our youth and the amazing work they do.
We are doing fantastic and hoping that our seven new clubs will be ready to charter by the end of September. Remember please DO NOT wait until next September to drop members that are no longer with us. Drop them now so we can bring in new members and continue to strengthen our clubs. We still have 68 clubs under charter strength. Our district has had a negative count for the past years so let us move it to a positive.     
Our District Board has approved to send out the remaining edition of the ESK via email due to the rising costs of printing, postage and wanting to move to an all-electronic format. Your secretaries of your clubs will also bring copies to all meetings. Current and past copies of the ESK are available on the NY District web site.
In my governor's visits, we have toured our Trauma Centers, visited colleges or universities and spent time with some of our K Kids. Kiwanis International President Jim Rochford's official visit will be June 10-13; Presidents Gala will be June 10. So, make sure you make your reservations as soon as possible.
June is also our Kiwanis International Convention in Las Vegas. Make sure you have made your reservations. Our DCON in August is the Roaring 20s and our district 100th birthday celebration, election for our 2018-19 Governor and also our Governor-elect with two candidates in the running. So get ready for a very special weekend. More information will follow.
Have you read your Kiwanis magazine? What wonderful articles on members and new clubs these magazines are a wonderful tool for our use. Every day we wake up is an opportunity to make the New York District a better place in which to live and love. It's time to make Kiwanis something we are, the way we look at life, the way we do business and the way we live our lives and serve our children and our communities. Our New York District right now needs respect, love, and caring. As Kiwanians One of our objects teaches just that. To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

Column Posted on Web Site May 5, 2018

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.