CHANGE and they said it could not be done!
What a whirlwind it has been of dedication, fun, and fellowship it has been. I have visited the Empire State Games, many pancake breakfasts, tours of Coney Island, scholarship award ceremonies, New Club Openings, wine tasting dinners, achievement awards, member retention workshops, and governor visits. Just to name a few of the many places I have been and many more before the end of my year.
We have opened eight new clubs and five more are to open. Our membership hit over 7,000. We went from 68 under charter clubs to less than 20. You are all doing a fantastic job! We are also opening new Circle K Clubs, Key Clubs, Builders Clubs and Aktion Clubs. This all happened because YOU MADE IT HAPPEN!
We had a very successful Kiwanis International Presidents’ dinner with more than 100 in attendance. This event was at Hastings on Hudson and they made it perfect. Co-Lt. Governor’s John Bartunek and Michael Marinaccio from the Bronx-Westchester Division hosted this event. A special thank you to my executive assistant, Susan Sheehan, for the planning and execution of this dinner.
Our DCON is August 16-19 at the newly renovated Syracuse Hotel. Our theme, in honor of our district's 100th Anniversary, is the Roaring 20's. Saturday evening there will be a dance and the entertainment will be provided by our very own Chuck Eckert. Ladies, get your flapper dress on and gentleman get your top hat and spats out for a fun evening.
We will have our election for Governor John "Hank" Baker, 2018-19 and for the two candidates running for Governor-Elect, Frank Romeo from Rochester, Genesee Division and Joe Ruggiero from Brooklyn, Brooklyn Division.
Have a great rest of the summer. Stay well and God Bless. See you all at DCON.
Column Posted on Web Site July 17, 2018