"Being a Kiwanis member can be rewarding in many ways. The greatest gift you could ever give to yourself, as a person, is the gratification in knowing you are contributing your help, time, and efforts to people, in and out of your community, who are in dire need. Raising funds to help the poor, participating in fellowship, and giving something back to your community are the highest levels of self-satisfaction you can ever encounter."
The previous paragraph comes from the home page of Kiwanis one and it is the concluding paragraph relating to the history of Kiwanis. In summary this paragraph tells what many of our members know as a result of years of experiences. The history tells that Kiwanis began in 1915 and the membership fee was five dollars. In 2010 there are 8,400 clubs in 96 nations with an active membership of 606,608 members. Sponsored Leadership programs are: K Kids, Builders Club, Aktion Clubs, Key Clubs and Circle K Clubs.
During the 2008-09 Kiwanis year, Gov. Doreen M. Pellittieri contacted me and asked me to serve as Chair for the Youth Services committee. Governor David Booker and Governor Mike Malark have continued with similar requests. During the 2009-10 year I found the following description: "The Committee on Youth Services shall study, devise and suggest methods and means to clubs to assist boys and girls to adjust themselves to their environment and become adapted to the social, emotional and moral demands they may encounter. This committee shall develop ways and means of assisting in the guidance of youth in the selection of proper and suitable vocations, as well as other areas which the committee may deem pertinent. It shall endeavor to inspire the clubs to an increasing participation in these activities and shall make proposals to clubs of means whereby such purposes may be accomplished."
In a separate paragraph there is indication that committees ought to have five members. It is for that reason that this article is being written. We would like to call attention to the fact that the committee on Youth Services, as outlined above, is a committee which could provide meaningful suggestions and directions to communities served by Kiwanis Clubs. The committee is beyond the Sponsored Leadership clubs which serve such vital roles in our communities.
We especially call this committee to the attention of the Lieutenant Governors and ask them to spread the word. We trust that there will be members of our Kiwanis Clubs who will be interested in serving on the Committee on Youth Service. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me at (845) 469-4769 or via e mail Ed Stoddard, luckyu@frontiernet.net.
We see the value of this committee and would plan to meet with those who share a desire to impact the lives of members of the younger generation; individuals in or beyond the Kiwanis family. That is how we see the charges of this committee.
Column Posted on Web Site September 4, 2010