Dear New York District Kiwanians, as I sit here at my computer writing this column, I am overwhelmed with so many thoughts of things to tell you about the 2018 Kamp Kiwanis Year.
As this year closes, I can tell you that financially, we had the biggest year we've ever had but I can also tell you that we spent the most ever on upgrading and maintaining the Kamp. Our biggest expense this year was repaving the parking lot/play area which was at the point of being dangerous to have kids run around it. There many other expenses like a new kitchen staff cabin, a bathroom for the Patchogue cabin, metal roofs on cabins and many other planned repairs and unplanned ones that pop up every year as part of regular maintenance. Each year the Kamp looks better and better and thanks to the hard-working board members and Kiwanians that come up each year for Kamp opening and Kamp closing the cost of repairs and maintenance is held down as much as possible.
Let's move on to 2019 which promises to be a record-breaking year again. I say that with all the confidence because I see how all of you have responded to the Kamp needs and to sending needy children for a magical week at Kamp. What I am most excited about is the military children program, Gov. Hank Baker has made it his project to send as many children of military personnel as he can, he started his year with vowing for 100 children and at our Kamp closing board meeting, he decided to bump it up to 150. The cost for sending a military child to Kamp Kiwanis is $465 and for those who need busing, past Metropolitan Division Lt. Gov. and board member Keith Cummings, will pick up the cost for transportation. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful we all are at the New York District Kiwanis Foundation for Gov. Hank's program and for Keith Cummings' generosity.
I'd like to end this by saying, I hope you had a great Christmas and I wish a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year. God bless all.
Column Posted on Web Site January 22, 2019