Would you travel halfway around the world to further the mission of Kiwanis? Our candidate for Kiwanis International Vice President, Peter Mancuso, just did so. He went the distance, traveling to Taiwan, to give even those in the Far East a chance to meet him face-to-face. Doing so shows his dedication and passion for Kiwanis.
We need all of the members of the New York District to support Peter to become our next International Vice President; a position for which he is uniquely qualified. You can support the campaign in several ways. Foremost, please try to attend the International Convention at Disney World, Orlando June 27-30. Please make sure your club sends a full slate of voting delegates to the convention. If that is not possible, a past lieutenant governor from your division can serve as your club's delegate. Please seek them out and make those arrangements. Also, delegates need to stay for the entire voting process. Many times there is a run-off, a secondary vote, so we need all delegates to be there until the end.
You can also volunteer and support the campaign while in Orlando. If you would like to do so, please send me an email at james.n.mancuso@gmail.com. Lastly, please reach out to Kiwanians you know in other districts and ask for their support of Peter. So, as the campaign slogan goes, "Together We Can Go the Distance." We really do need all of your help to have Peter elected.
There will be a New York District Dessert Reception at the convention. It will take place at the Coronado Springs Resort's Monterrey Room and La Mesa Patio at 9 pm. on Thursday, June 27. The cost is $25 with checks made payable to New York District Kiwanis. Please send your checks to DPG Joseph Corace,16-66 Bell Boulevard #742, Bayside, New York 11360. We have limited capacity so please act quickly.
Our district caucus will take place on Friday, June 28 at 8 a.m. in Durango Rooms 1 and 2. We will be distributing campaign T-shirts there. We will also have a campaign booth at the "World Showcase" area at the Coronado Springs Resort. The World Showcase is open Wednesday, June 26 from 4-6 p.m.; Thursday, June 27, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. and again on Friday, June 28 starting at 8 a.m. (T-shirts will again be distributed at our booth). Please come down and speak with Peter or help us as a volunteer.
The election itself will occur during the business session on Friday, June 28 from 2-4 p.m.
You can learn more about Peter and the Together We Can Go the Distance campaign by visiting our website at www.mancusoforvp.com.
Disney World is a great place for a vacation and the International Convention is a tremendous experience. And, best of all we have a great candidate running for International Vice President. This is a fantastic opportunity to put the future of Kiwanis in the best of hands. Please take part in securing that future by helping to elect Peter Mancuso.
Column Posted on Web Site May 20, 2019