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Kiwanis Service

Key Club

By John Goldstein

I am writing this as I sit in my hotel room at the Key Club International Convention in Baltimore, Maryland. We have 38 students and six adults. Past Governor Erica Swirsky will be receiving her award as Distinguished Governor and Past District Secretary Peter Alegre will also be receiving his award as Distinguished District Secretary.
Past Lt. Governor Dominic Bossey will also be receiving the Robert F. Lucas Award which is the highest award for a Lt. Governor. You should be very proud of these three young adults who did an outstanding job in their positions this past service year.
I want to thank all of the Kiwanis clubs, divisions and Kiwanians who donated funds so the students could attend this great educational Key Club event. I would like to especially that Helene Irving and the Richmond County Kiwanis Club for their donation that paid for the breakfast food for the everyone for this convention.
This year we toured Washington, DC, for our pre-convention tour. Some of the highlights of our tour was a nighttime tour of the monuments and a tour of the Capitol. We also toured the National Holocaust Museum and the students found it very sobering and thought provoking.
I am very proud of the students that we have here in Baltimore and you should be also.
Again thank you for all that you do for your Key Clubbers and I truly believe that it is one of the best things we do.

Column Posted on Web Site July 6, 2019

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