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Kiwanis Service

Governors Project - Military Kampers

By Lucien Giancursio

I can't begin to thank you enough.
Thank you to the clubs and Kiwanians of the New York District for your support of the Governor's Project.
What started out as a modest goal, to send "100 plus Military Children" to Kamp Kiwanis, Has grown, to be an exceptional Governor's Project.
Through the help of Governor Hank's Board, Hank's Helping Hands, our current status is that we now have pledges to send more than 190 military children to Kamp Kiwanis.
We are far from done. Our Kiwanis year ends Sept. 30.
So there is plenty of time for you and your club to make a pledge. I invite you become a sponsor. Become a part of the history that we are making.
As we continue this project. We will be able to send "200 Plus Military Kampers" to Kamp Kiwanis.
The Kamp has a motto ... "Build tomorrow's memories today". Because of your support, we will do just that. Build tomorrow's memories for over 200 military children.
Please consider a pledge today.
We are grateful for your generosity and support of this Governor's Project.

On behalf of Governor Hank and First Lady Bonnie, co-chairs Michele Geresi, Distinguished Past Lt. Gov. Keith Cummings. We thank you, the New York District for making this governor's project an exceptional success.

Column Posted on Web Site July 6, 2019

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.