Greetings from the New York District Office.
It is very exciting to hear of all the wonderful programs and projects being conducted across the great NY District since our year began in October. But in order for us to know of your activities it is important that each club secretary file their monthly report on the Kiwanis International portal in a timely manner. If any secretary has any issue with filing the report please don't hesitate contacting me at the office or make plans to attend the Club Secretary workshop that will be held at our Mid-Year Conference.
Speaking of our Mid-Year Conference, please consider sending representatives from your club. The conference will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, Binghamton February 21 to 23, 2020. Information concerning hotel and registration can be seen here in the ESK or by visiting our district website at This will be a great opportunity for all of our members to share in personal growth, club education and Kiwanis fellowship. It will also be our chance to celebrate all the accomplishments of our last Kiwanis year including honoring Immediate Past Governor and First Lady Hank and Bonnie Baker and the 2018-19 Board of Officers, "Hank's Helping Hands". Clubs will also be recognized for their accomplishments with the presentation of our Club Achievement Awards. In order to be recognized clubs need to apply for the various awards. E-Mails have been sent to club officers with the official link to submit these awards. Again, if any club has an issue please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
While we are only midway through our current service year it is not too early to start thinking of our future, and the role each of us have in ensuring that Kiwanis continues to succeed. That includes considering how we best can serve our organization. Have you considered taking a leadership role in your club, division or our district? For Kiwanis to thrive we need new leaders with new ideas and new enthusiasm. Think about all the things you could bring to our organization, recognize how important it is that we continue to grow and serve and think about ways you can make an impact. Talk to your current club president or lieutenant governor and decide what would be best for you and our organization. Kiwanis needs you!
Thank you again for all your hard work so far this year and let's keep the momentum going. If there is anything I can do to help you in your efforts please don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing you at Mid-Year in Binghamton.
Column Posted on Web Site January 26, 2020